Club Provision
Roby Rainbows Club is subcontracted to form part of the school’s extended provision. Club staff are subject to the same policies, procedures and management applicable to all staff employed in school. The ethos and delivery are consistent with the provision during the main part of the school day.
At Roby Rainbows Club all children have the right to:
These principles form the basis of our Out of Hours provision. Children attending the Club are expected to behave and conduct themselves in accordance with school policies.
The Club is centred in our school hall and community room. Breakfast and After School Club is accessible via the main school entrance (see arrivals & departures policy).
The community room is used as a hub at which children assemble, eat and from which they are collected. The Club also has access to the hall and our outdoor play equipment and areas. All areas are supervised by adults.
The club operates Monday to Friday, 3.00 -5.00 pm, during term time only.
All children engage in a varied menu of activities which are focused on provision through six areas. These activities offer each a child a variety of learning opportunities with their peers.
After School sessions are available from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm. All children are collected from class and safely escorted to the community room for a snack and planned activities.
Children can be collected from club no later than 5. pm, please arrive at 4.55 to allow 5 minutes for the children to get ready to leave.
The healthy snack option can include:
· fruit juice or water
· fresh fruit/yoghurt
· sandwiches (brown, 50/50 or white bread)
· warm food is served after 4 pm
Our Staff Team
All staff in Roby Rainbows Club are under the supervision of Mrs Allen, Head Teacher, and the Club is managed by Emily Mills.
We aim to maintain staff throughout the academic year to ensure children have continuity of provision. When this is not possible, we will try to inform you of any staff changes as soon as possible.
Admissions and Fees Policy
Places are limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis, you can book and pay for your places up to a term in advance.
All sessions must be booked in advance and online at
· Rainbows Breakfast Club - sessions start at 7:30 am and no admission after 8.15am.
· Wake Up Club - sessions start at 8.10am and no admission after 8.15am.
· Half Session Support Club - sessions start at 3pm until 4pm. Children that attend will be led out to the playground for pick up at 4pm prompt in line with the end of extra-curricular clubs.
· Rainbows After School Club - sessions start at 3pm until 5. pm (we ask for a 5 buffer time for evening pickups.
PLEASE NOTE : the school is locked at 5:15pm prompt).
Pricing: Academic Year September 2024 to August 2025
At Roby Rainbows we believe in open communication with all our parents and staff. We set our prices to achieve an affordable charging structure that allows school to offer excellent provision at as low a cost as possible.
Pricing per child for academic year September 24 to August 25 Costs assume one child attending Monday to Friday
Full after school session (3.00 – 5.00 pm)
£12.50 Per Session
Half session (3.00 – 4.00 pm)
£5 Per Session ,
Breakfast Club (7.30 – 8.45 am)
£2 Per Session
The Club is open 190 days during term time. The weekly and yearly costs above are shown for guidance and are based on a single child attending each club for the whole week.
All sessions must be booked on via the club’s website at
When you book your child for either Breakfast or After School Club you are reserving a place for your required club on the specified days. The booking system allows you to specify what days of the week you wish your child to attend. This information is used to determine the minimum required staffing levels. You are charged per child per session.
All places must be booked and paid for in advance, using the club’s website. Last minute requests via text message or telephone call will not be accepted.
All places need to be reserved and paid for the day before.
Late Pick up
In the case of a late pick up a child or children from Roby Rainbows, the manager reserves the right to charge an extra fee of £10.00 to cover staff overtime costs. Repeated late pickups will jeopardise your place at the club. (See uncollected policy)
Absences /Illness
Short term illness absence that has been prepaid for will be rolled over to upcoming sessions, subject to discretion of Club Manager.
School Closure Days
Your places are for the 190 term days each academic year. The five staff training days (commonly called “Inset” days) are not included in the 190 days and are therefore not charged. You will not be charged for any other school closure days, such as those due to industrial action or bad weather when the Club is forced to close.
Residential Trips and other voluntary activities
You will still be charged should you opt for your child to attend residential trips and/or partake in any other activities which are voluntary, such as music or dance clubs after school.
Roby Rainbows is a self-financing venture. Fees are used to employ the Club staff – salaries are not funded by the school - and to pay for food and activity resources.
All payments must be made in advance, With the exception of payment using childcare vouchers or student grants.
Roby Rainbows promotes a safe and positive environment for children. Children attending the Club are expected to behave and conduct themselves in accordance with school policies. Roby Rainbows uses Class Charts in line with Roby Park Primary School’s ‘Promoting Positive Behaviour and Relationships’ policy. Not following the school’s behaviour and safety policies may result in the removal of your child’s place from the Club.
Registration Details
The Club Manager must be informed of any changes to your registration details as soon as possible. It is important that your contact information is kept up to date.
Non Attendance
The Club must be notified in advance if your child is not attending on one of their registered days. Please see Absences/Illness for more information regarding charges.
Alternative Collection
If the person collecting your child is not registered as a named person, we require written notice giving permission for that person to collect your child. We will require a password and brief description of the nominated person.
Uncollected Children Policy
Roby Rainbows endeavours to ensure that all children are collected by a parent or carer at the end of each session.
If a child is not collected, and the parent or carer has not notified us that they will be delayed, we will follow the procedure set out below:
Up to 5 minutes late
· When the parent or carer arrives, they will be reminded that they must call the Club to notify us if they are delayed.
· The parent or carer will be informed that penalty fees will have to be charged (unless the delay was genuinely unavoidable).
Over 10 minutes late
· If a parent or carer is more than 15 minutes late in collecting their child, the manager will try to contact them using the contact details on file.
· If there is no response from the parent or carer, messages will be left requesting that they contact the Club immediately. The manager will then try to contact the emergency contacts listed on the child’s registration form.
· While waiting to be collected, the child will be supervised by a member of staff.
· When the parent or carer arrives, they will be reminded that they must call the Club to notify us if they are delayed, and that penalty fees will have to be charged (except in exceptional circumstances).
Over 30 minutes late
· If the manager has been unable to contact the child’s parents or carers after 30 minutes, the manager will contact the local Social Care team for advice.
· The child will remain in the care of the Club’s staff, on the Club’s premises, if possible, until collected by the parent or carer, or until placed in the care of the Social Care team.
· If it is not possible for the child to remain at the Club’s premises, a note will be left on the door of the Club informing the child’s parent or carer where the child has been taken and leaving a contact number. A further message will be left on the parent or carer’s telephone explaining events.
Arrivals and Departures
Roby Rainbows recognises the importance of having robust systems in place to ensure the safe arrival and departure of the children in our care.
The manager will ensure that an accurate record is kept of all children in the Club, and that any arrivals or departures are recorded on the school’s inventory system.
Please DO NOT allow your child to book themselves in. This must be done by an appropriate person over 16yrs of age.
Escorting children to the Club Room
· The Club and school have a clear agreement concerning the transfer of responsibility for children’s safety.
· We have risk assessed the routes used to escort children to the Club room and review it regularly.
Arrivals for Breakfast Club
· Arrivals to Breakfast Club must be booked in on school’s inventory system by parent.
· Our staff will greet each child warmly on their arrival at the Club and will record the child’s attendance in the daily register straightaway.
Arrivals for Afterschool Clubs.
· Arrivals to After School will be booked in by staff on school’s inventory system.
· Our staff will collect children (Nursery to Y2) from their classrooms.
· Y3 – Y6 will make their own way to the club room.
Departures from Breakfast clubs
· Staff will ensure that children are taken to class and handed over to a teacher.
· Staff will ensure that children are booked out via the school’s inventory system.
Departures from Half Session club
· Staff will ensure that children are taken to the school yard (or office area- depending on weather) with sibling, if applicable, for pick up from an appropriate person.
· Staff will book child out of club on school’s inventory system.
· If no clubs are on, children will remain in the Rainbow Room, late pickups will incur full session charge.
Departures from Rainbows After School Club
· Staff will ensure that parents or carers sign children out before they leave.
· Children are collected by an adult who has been authorised to do so on their registration form.
· In exceptional circumstances, if the parent requires another person who is not listed on the registration form to collect their child, the child’s parents or carers must inform the Club in advance and provide a name, description of the person and a password that they will use. If the manager has any concerns regarding the person collecting, he/she will contact the main parent or carer for confirmation.
· The parent or carer must notify the Club if they will be late collecting their child. If the Club is not informed, the Uncollected Children policy will be followed.
· NO Children are allowed to leave the Club unaccompanied. (No home-alones)
Data Protection
Schools are required to inform pupils and their families about how their personal data may be collected and used. We comply with this right by providing ‘privacy notices’ (sometimes called ‘fair processing notices’) to individuals where we are processing their personal data. You will already have received such a notice. If you have not, please contact the School Office.
The following paragraphs explain how we collect, store and use personal data about pupils and their families.
Who processes your information?
We, Roby Rainbows in partnership with Roby Park Primary School, Easton Road, Huyton, L36 4NY, are the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of data protection law.
The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School so, if you do have any questions in this regard, please contact them on the information below: -
Data Protection Officer Knowsley: Dan Howarth
Address: Knowsley Council Municipal Buildings, Archway Road, Huyton, L36 9YU
The role of Data Manager (our in-house Data Protection Officer) is held by Mrs Kirstie Carroll, our Business Manager.
Why do we collect and use your information?
We collect and use personal data in order to meet legal requirements and legitimate interests set out in the GDPR and UK law, including those in relation to the following:
· Article 6 and Article 9 of the GDPR
· Education Act 1996
· Section 3 of The Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (England) Regulations 2013
In accordance with the above, the personal data of pupils and their families is collected and used for the following reasons:
· Provide appropriate pastoral care
· Protect pupil welfare
· Assess the quality of our services, for example to contact families for participation in surveys about our school and the services we offer
· For marketing purposes, only from Roby Park Primary School Roby Rainbows
· Comply with the law regarding data sharing
Which data is collected?
Personal data that we may collect, use, store and share (when appropriate) about pupils includes, but is not restricted to:
· Contact details, contact preferences, emergency contacts, date of birth, identification documents
· Parent/Carer contact details including their dates of birth and National Insurance Numbers
· Results of internal assessments and externally set tests
· Pupil and curricular records
· Characteristics, such as gender, ethnic background, eligibility for free school meals, or special educational needs
· Behaviour and exclusion information
· Details of any medical conditions, including physical and mental health
· Accident and incident reports
· Attendance information
· Safeguarding information
· Details of any support received, including care packages, plans and support providers
· Photographs
Collecting this information
We may also hold data about pupils that we have received from other organisations, including other schools, local authorities and the Department for Education.
Whilst the majority of the personal data you provide to the school is mandatory, some is provided on a voluntary basis. When collecting data, the school will inform you whether you are required to provide this data or if your consent is needed. Where consent is required, the school will provide you with specific and explicit information with regards to the reasons the data is being collected and how the data will be used.
How long is your data stored for?
We keep personal information about pupils while they are attending our school. We may also keep it beyond their attendance at our school if this is necessary in order to comply with our egal obligations. Our Retention and Destruction Policy sets out how long we keep information about pupils. If you would like to obtain a copy of our Retention and Destruction Policy, please ask at reception or download it from our school website.
Will my information be shared?
We do not share information about pupils with any third party without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.
Where it is legally required, or necessary (and it complies with data protection law) we may share personal information about pupils with:
· Our local authority – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as safeguarding concerns and exclusions
· The Department for Education – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it
· The pupil’s family and representatives – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with them, such as medical or safeguarding concerns and exclusions
· Educators and examining bodies – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with them, such as special educational needs
· Our regulator, e.g. Ofsted – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with them
· Suppliers and service providers – to enable them to provide the service we have contracted them for
· Financial organisations – to enable them to provide the service we have contracted them for / to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it
· Central and local government – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it
· Our auditors – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with them
· Survey and research organisations – to enable them to provide the service we have contracted them for
· Health authorities – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as medical or safeguarding concerns and exclusions
· Security organisations – to enable them to provide the service we have contracted them for Health and social welfare organisations – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as health and safeguarding concerns and exclusions
· Professional advisers and consultants – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as health, medical and safeguarding concerns and exclusions
· Charities and voluntary organisations – to enable them to provide the service we have contracted them for
· Police forces, courts, tribunals – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as safeguarding concerns and exclusions
· Professional bodies, e.g. legal representatives, educational psychologists – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with them.
Feedback & Complaints
We always welcome feedback from children and families. Any feedback can be given
· verbally to the Club Manager
· in writing to the Club Manager or
· in writing to the Head Teacher (learning & behaviour issues)
· in writing to the Business Manager (financial & staffing issues)
We realise that occasionally there may be a need for complaints to be communicated regarding our provision. We have a three step complaints procedure.
1) Informal verbal complaint to the Club Manager – If complaints are made to the Club Manager you will always be listened to professionally. We hope that in most cases open and clear communication will resolve the issue. These complaints are graded as informal.
2) Formal Written Complaint – If you feel that your informal complaint has not been dealt with appropriately or is of a serious nature then your complaint should be made in writing. This complaint will be kept on file. We guarantee to respond to your complaint within three working days during term time. We hope that this would resolve matters.
3) Complaint to the Head Teacher and Governing Body – If you feel that your complaint cannot be dealt with appropriately by the Club Manager you should submit a written complaint to the Head Teacher. All complaints are shared with the Governing Body as a matter of course. You are guaranteed a response to all complaints of this nature within five working days during term time.
All conversations and correspondence will be treated with discretion. However, from the outset all parties of the complaint will need to be aware that some information may have to be shared with others involved in the complaint’s procedure. The Club Manager may have to be accompanied by another member of staff when dealing with some complaints. As part of the procedure a written record will be maintained of all meetings.
Anonymous complaints
Anonymous complaints may be disregarded unless they are substantiated by someone. It is at the discretion of the Head Teacher to decide whether the gravity of an anonymous complaint warrants investigation.
If the outcome of the complaint procedure shows that the Club is/was at fault, the Club will provide redress in the form of an acknowledgement that the complaint is valid. One of the following will be offered:
· an apology
· an explanation
· an undertaking that the event complained of will not recur
· an undertaking by the Club to review policies and/or procedures in light of the complaint